Summer SHort Term
Session I: May 9th – 23rd
Session II: May 24th – June 7th
Application Deadline: January 20th 2025
Term overview
Reward yourself for the completion of a successful academic year with a fun-and-learning-filled summer program in Dingle! We run two short-term programs, one after the other, beginning in May and lasting for two weeks each.
Take one of our wide range of 3-credit courses while enjoying the long days and mild weather of early summer in Ireland. You will have the opportunity to experience exhilarating outdoor activities like surfing, horseback riding, hiking, kayaking, and boat tours around the gorgeous local coastline.
Summer in Dingle is a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Who are we and where do we come from? This course addresses that question both by understanding the genetics that underlie genetic ancestry tests and the genealogy of the students’ family trees and the historical context of their personal family’s ancestors. In addition, to exploring their own personal family genealogy and genetic history, the class in groups will research the family genealogy of a member of the Dingle community and compare the history impacting their family trees. Students will have access to numerous genealogical databases as well as the results of AncestryDNA tests for themselves and the local community members.
Students will learn about and help build local Dingle genealogy resources with trips to nearby historical societies and cemeteries. They will also interview selected individuals from the local Dingle community using this information and the genetic information from AncestryDNA results to help create a “Book of Life” for these community members. In doing so, students learn a more personal history about Dingle and the people who live there.
Mark Jareb Ph.D.
Jennifer McLaughlin Ph.D.
LaTina Steele Ph.D.
Ashley Stoehr Ph.D.
This interdisciplinary course explores rituals of death, mortality, and the creation of meaning in Ireland through both anthropological and philosophical lenses. Students will learn introductory archaeological methodology and mortuary analysis of human burials, which will be applied as they experience hands- on excavation and interpret findings from a simulated burial site in Dingle.
Students will engage with texts exploring the philosophical and cultural ramifications of how we construct our identity in the face of mortality, the ethics of bioarcheological practice, and ways in which our rituals surrounding death and burial reflect the values of the living. As part of the course, we will take trips to archeological sites in the area, the Blasket Islands, Killarney, and hike the Cosan na Naomh pilgrimage trail.
Kristen Savell Ph.D.
Christina Susienka Ph.D.
The public’s fascination with true crime highlights the importance of understanding the approaches to dealing with the victims and offenders depicted in true crime through the
fields of victimology and criminology.
This course offers a comparative overview of the true crime genre concerning the victims of violent crimes and the offenders who commit
them. Students will be expected to draw comparisons between Ireland and the US regarding true crime popularity and how depictions of it are handled in each country.
Analisa Gagnon Ph.D.
Caroline Comerford Ph.D.
This course will examine the interactions between the legal field and psychological science. Topics will include: the role and function of how psychological research has contributed to the legal process, profiling, prediction of violence, police interrogation, false confessions, eyewitness testimony, insanity, and other topics. Students will use forensic psychology to analyze human behavior.
While in Ireland, students will be immersed in the culture and have an opportunity to see firsthand how the Irish justice system handles criminal cases and how forensic psychology can play a role in informing the legal practitioners, in comparison to the US.
Heather Jefferies MA
The course emphasizes how regenerative tourism can be communicated effectively in a global market, highlighting the role of digital and social media platforms in promoting sustainable travel.
Students will learn to analyze Irish cultural, environmental, and business factors influencing regenerative tourism and how these insights can be adapted globally. The course culminates in students developing marketing strategies that contribute to ongoing projects, with final deliverables that include campaign materials for digital marketing, community outreach, and social media content to support Dingle’s tourism efforts.
Learn how communication impacts practitioners/client interaction, patient outcomes, health education, social support for patients, and those who care for them, and ways that communication impacts interprofessional health care team dynamics.
Discover how culture impacts both patients and providers. Explore how health communication varies between Irish and U.S. healthcare systems.
Christine Pino MA, CCC-SLP
This course is an introduction to the basic economic principles needed to analyze social issues such as prices and allocation of resources, role of incentives, free trade, economic growth, market failure, healthcare, and education.
Learn how international trade and tourism impact the Irish economy. Evaluate competitive and monopoly markets in and around Dingle. Explore social issues such as population, health services, and migration.
This course, based in the Gaeltacht region of West Kerry, compares the education system in Ireland with that of the United States. Topics addressed include curriculum and instruction, funding and governance, teacher preparation, multiculturalism, language policy, and contemporary school reform. Student will be introduced to the students and teachers of Dingle, Ireland and experience the Irish education system up-close and personal. You will observe classrooms in action, learn from Irish teachers and administrators, and meet teacher candidates and their professors.
Open to all students in FCE teacher preparation programs, the course counts in lieu of Education in the United States, Multicultural Education, or an MAT elective. ED 402 for undergraduate credit or ED 502 for graduate credit.
During this course, students will have the opportunity to fully explore the importance of the Gaelic sports to both the regional and national identity. This exploration will begin with the roots of Gaelic sports and culminate with a contemporary discussion of Irish sports in today’s environment. Students will integrate their exercise science (EX) background to survey the Gaelic sports from a physiological, biomechanical, psychological and coaching framework drawing comparisons to American-based sports.
Student groups will research, develop and implement a comprehensive athlete assessment with the local Gaelic Athletic Association club. Guest speakers and participation in the Irish Sports will supplement traditional lectures.
This course examines significant places on the Dingle peninsula that exemplify cultural heritage. When travelling through Ireland, and certainly the Dingle peninsula, it is apparent that humans have inhabited the island for many thousands of years. Students will examine holy wells, burial and religious sites, and coastal places where locals ventured into the ocean for pilgrimage, trade, and fishing. It studies the material remains, the geography of landscape and seascape, legends, stories, poems, and music that determine modern Irish identity
John B. Roney
This course explores Aging and Older Adulthood in Dingle, Ireland. It will comprehensively examine aging from a health and wellness perspective, comparing findings related to aging in the United States and the village of Dingle. Students will gain an understanding of the needs of aging individuals and the resources available within the community through observation, research, and engagement with village residents. Students are taught how to investigate social issues and methods to address social problems. The course offers students a holistic perspective on aging, addressing the physical aspect of health and the psychosocial, ethical, and spiritual dimensions of older adulthood. These insights will enable students to better understand and promote healthy aging in diverse contexts. This innovative course represents a significant opportunity for students to engage in global, experiential learning opportunities.
Heather Keperling Ed.D.
Held in the picturesque setting of Dingle, Ireland, this course will delve into systems of commerce that are designed to address today’s ethical, social, political, and economic challenges. Dingle is known for its natural beauty and protecting this environment is essential for maintaining the resources that attract one million visitors a year.
Students will visit several local businesses and hear from industry experts as they explore innovative business models prioritising sustainability. Through applying business frameworks like the triple bottom line and stakeholder analysis, students will be tasked with designing creative solutions that companies can implement to enhance their sustainable practices.
This course introduces the student to basic concepts, theories, and methods of exploring the health, wellness, and cultural diversity of individuals. Common factors that promote the health and wellness of individuals across the lifespan are explored. Cultural diversity expands this discussion to include the meaning and impact of culture on health and wellness through the exploration of cultural phenomena such as perception toward time, communication, social organization, and healing traditions.
Values clarification related to one’s own culture as a part of the process of developing cultural awareness and competence is discussed. Disparities related to access to care and economic barriers are discussed including vulnerable populations.
This course focuses on the nursing profession and leadership principles, which are integral to the provision of health care for individuals, families, communities, and global health. Students are given the opportunity to explore complex issues and trends in nursing related to the provision of cost-effective, safe, quality patient care, nurses as a profession, and global health.
The development of understanding and awareness of their need to become involved in the development of health care policies and changes in health care systems will be fostered by an analysis of current issues such as cross-cultural communication, the nursing shortage, inefficient health care systems, and international issues. Discussions and assignments will include implementation strategies and skills for a successful transition into the workplace environment.
For the course being offered in Dingle, Ireland, the course uses comparative perspectives focusing on American and Irish contexts while exploring these complex topics.
Spend 2 weeks learning about ethical issues in health care by exploring compelling scenarios and case-studies. Study the role of ethics and the importance of Philosophy to the Irish Catholic Intellectual Tradition and investigate how health care concerns impact the lives of patients and health-care providers throughout southwestern Ireland.
Among the central topics to be covered include informed consent, medical futility, reproductive ethics, privacy, cultural competence, and clinical trials.
What do decisions in Belgium have to do with fishing boats in Dingle? How does Brexit impact the cost of eggs in Ireland? Has the Catholic Church lost its influence in Irish politics? And are seaweed eating cows the way to save the future? All of these issues will be explored in this course that focuses on the Irish political system as well as the intersection of Irish politics within the context of both EU membership and their relationship with the United Kingdom. The course will examine how national issues are addressed at the local level and how local issues are impacted by national policies. A specific focus will be on fishing rights, the housing crisis, access to health care and the impact of the climate emergency on a coastal community that relies on tourism.
The creative and expressive arts offer individuals a way to explore personal experiences through various artistic forms (e.g., dance/movement, visual arts, writing, drama and music). This course will focus on studying these different creative modalities from an Irish perspective. While in Dingle, students will learn foundational knowledge about the history, theory, and practical applications of the creative arts. In addition, course excursions will be used to help students tap into their creativity by exploring museums, Irish towns, listening to Irish music, participating in an Irish dance class and interacting with local guest speakers. Upon returning to the United States, students will reflect on how their experiences in Ireland influenced their personal growth and creative expression.
Lisa Smith, Psy.D.
Engaging with Irish preschoolers, visiting the aquarium and creating enrichment activities for the animals, participating in a Celtic Cub Scavenger Hunt, immersing yourself in meditation in an Irish forest during Shinrin-Yoku and being exposed to Irish music and language through guest speakers and excursions.
These are just some of the experiences you will have in this course which offers an applied approach to understanding neuroscience, the intersection between psychology and biology. Students will examine key concepts in neuroscience including neuroplasticity, language acquisition, learning, stress, and environmental enrichment in applied settings.
In addition, it introduces students to fundamental claims of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition; enable students to understand that Tradition as characterized by open, rigorous intellectual inquiry in the context of a faith tradition; engage students and faculty in seminar discussion; and enable students to see the value of this Tradition in the contemporary world help develop students’ reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Rachel Bowman Ph.D.
Dawn Melzer Ph.D.
This course will serve as an introduction to the fascinating world of sport business and international marketing. Students will work on an innovative group marketing plan for a professional sports team from the Dingle and County Kerry region of Ireland. Additionally, students will interact with and visit a local school in Dingle.
The stark contrast between Irish and American sports leagues will be identified and discussed. A strong focus will be placed upon both of the following: 1) marketing “of” various sports and sport products, and 2) marketing “through” sport – the latter of which will involve the use of sport as the vehicle to market non-sport products and services.
The course includes site visits to related businesses, and key sport figures in Ireland will be brought into the class as guest speakers to supplement the course material.
This course provides a framework for understanding how diverse characteristics shape the human experience and is critical to the formation of identity. The dimensions of diversity can be understood as the intersection of multiple factors and, because of differences, a person’s life experiences may include oppression, poverty, marginalization, alienation, privilege, power, and acclaim.FACULTY
Sasha Hazen Aaronson, MSW, MPA
Stefania M Agliano, Ed.D., LMSW
This short course looks at Irish drama and spirituality through experimental and site-specific performance. Can we still believe that land and spirit can be wild with us? We will explore how stories, improvisation, and ritual can teach us, in the words of the Irish ecological mystic John Moriarty, to “walk beautifully on the earth” in Dingle and back at home. Ritual and performance—from a celebration of the Catholic Mass to a night at the pub after seeing a play—can “re-wild” our spirits in relationship to the natural world and each other. But how should we name and tell stories about our shared earth, what Pope Francis calls “our common home”?
This unique course introduces the theory and practice of site-specific ritual and theatre by taking place amid the drama of waves, mountains, people, and stories of your journey to Ireland and back. We will read and discuss some major Irish plays (including Once) about naming spirits of the land, rediscover the Gospels and Jesus’ seaside storytelling through performance analysis, talk with local artists, theatre-makers, and dancers in the West of Ireland, embody some wisdom from the Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Irish context of natural beauty, and learn how to re-wild our own play with ritualizing and improvisation.
Participants will work together to develop an original performance inspired by their time in Dingle, but no previous acting experience is required.
This experiential and immersive course explores the fascinating and curious relationship between Irish monasticism, the monastic phenomenon of pilgrimage, and the history of Irish brewing and distillation of spirits (alcohol). It considers the origins and development of early medieval Irish monasticism, focusing primarily on the Irish monastic practice of pilgrimage, and the role Irish monastic pilgrimages play in development and history of Irish brewing and distillation of spirits. Students enrolled in this engaging course will listen to guest speakers, visit Ardfert Monastery and Muckross Abbey, tour Dingle Distillery and Dick Mack’s Brewery, and walk The Saint’s Way, in addition to normal course reading, discussion, and activities.
Robert Koerpel Ph.D.

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