An unparalleled experience that promotes both personal and academic growth.
Program overview

The College of Nursing offers a unique study abroad program at SHU’s beautiful campus in Dingle, Ireland. Expand your worldview and pursue your passion for nursing in an international setting! This study abroad experience designed for Sophomore students offers nursing students a seamless continuation of the nursing curriculum, graduating within the usual four-year time frame.
This program provides students with an unparalleled experience that promotes both personal and academic growth. Students will take 2 nursing required courses, in addition to taking 3 other courses that fulfill your nursing plan of study. The nursing courses will be offered in small class and lab sizes, held to the same rigorous quality, and facilitated by your SHU nursing faculty. Nursing students will have the incredible opportunity to complete their clinical requirements in an Irish hospital with an Irish nurse preceptor.
In addition to the Spring semester study, students can take a 3-credit course designed for rising senior nursing students in the Summer two-week session. The Nursing Leadership course provides an unforgettable opportunity to learn about professional nursing issues and trends through a global lens, participate in clinical experiences, join Irish nursing students in an integrated nursing module, and learn about the local Irish culture. Nursing Leadership is a required course for Fall senior semester; therefore, by taking Nursing Leadership course early during the May immersion session, the nursing course load is lightened senior year.
NU 215/215L – Health Assessment, Lecture & Lab

4 Credits
Spring Semester
Fiona Barton M.Sc
Health Assessment introduces assessment components including interviewing, history taking, functional assessment, and physical examination of adults and geriatric patients with emphasis on health promotion and disease/injury prevention. This course begins with foundational concepts of professionalism, patient-centered care, and safety. Students will build upon learned assessment techniques to begin examining patients using a head-to-toe approach.
Course content focuses on the role of the nurse, inter- and intraprofessional communication, data collection, and patient teaching. Emphasis is placed on the assessment phase of the nursing process. Students are expected to develop critical thinking skills to begin identifying problems and deficits in an effort to guide the development of a plan of care. By the end of the semester students will formulate a holistic and comprehensive concept map diagramming actual and potential health issues to illustrate this learning.
NU 299 – Cultural Diversity in Healthcare Delivery

3 Credits
Summer 2 Short Term
Angela Salio MSN, RNC-OB
This course introduces the student to basic concepts, theories, and methods of exploring the health, wellness, and cultural diversity of individuals. Common factors that promote the health and wellness of individuals across the lifespan are explored. Cultural diversity expands this discussion to include the meaning and impact of culture on health and wellness through the exploration of cultural phenomenon such as perception toward time, communication, social organization, and healing traditions.
Values clarification related to one’s own culture as a part of the process of developing cultural awareness and competence is discussed. Disparities related to access to care and economic barriers are discussed including vulnerable populations.
NU 310 – Pathophysiology

3 Credits
Spring Semester – Online
Mary Dietmann, Ed.D., APRN, ACNS-BC, CNE
This course is designed to promote the understanding and application of fundamental disease processes and disabilities. General concepts of disease, including etiology, morphology and clinical significance are discussed. These concepts are applied in a systems oriented approach to disease processes, and concepts of human genetics will be covered.
NU 370 – Nursing Leadership in Ireland

3 Credits
Summer 1 Short Term
This course focuses on the nursing profession and leadership principles, which are integral to the provision of health care for individuals, families, communities, and global health. Students are given the opportunity to explore complex issues and trends in nursing related to the provision of cost-effective, safe, quality patient care, nurses as a profession, and global health.
The development of understanding and awareness of their need to become involved in the development of health care policies and changes in health care systems will be fostered by an analysis of current issues such as cross-cultural communication, the nursing shortage, inefficient health care systems, and international issues. Discussions and assignments will include implementation strategies and skills for successful transition into the workplace environment.
For the course being offered in Dingle, Ireland, the course uses comparative perspectives focusing on American and Irish contexts while exploring these complex topics.