Liberal Arts
An unparalleled experience that promotes both personal and academic growth.
Program overview

The Liberal Arts are the foundation of education at Sacred Heart University, and the Catholic Intellectual tradition is committed to the whole person — mind, body, and spirit, and enriches students’ imaginations, expands their humanity and develops their moral compass.
Study in Dingle opens up an international perspective as students are exposed to the Irish culture, language, and society. Individual courses explore various dimensions, such as literature, history, music, sociology, psychology, anthropology, archeology, and religious studies. In addition to in-class lectures, discussions, and seminars, field study and experiencing the sites, sounds, smells, and textures of Ireland offer a unique opportunity.
AN 230 – Culture, Community and Folklore

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Humanistic Inquiry
- Social and Global Awareness
Spring Semester
AR 229 – Intro to Painting

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Humanistic Inquiry
Summer 2 Short Term
In this site-specific offering of Intro to Painting, we will explore and document the Irish landscape, environs, and people of Dingle. Students will be provided a watercolor pad and watercolor kit to document their unique experience of Dingle through pictures and words, in a visual journal. The produced work will be catalogued and exhibited at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT in the semesters following the program.
The basic and essential skills of painting will be covered through demonstrations of landscape, portraits, and scene painting. The writing component will be explored through reflections, poetry, interviews, and/or essays. No previous painting experience is necessary. Let’s make art!
CIT 201 – Catholic Intellectual Traditions

3 Credits
Fall Semester
CIT is Sacred Heart University’s academic signature core. It provide students with an interdisciplinary, foundational understanding of the Catholic intellectual tradition from the classical to the contemporary periods. Using seminar pedagogy, it gives students an understanding of the roots and development of the Catholic intellectual tradition as an ongoing, 2,000-year conversation between the Catholic community of thinkers, writers, artists and the cultures in which they have lived, asking fundamental questions about God, humanity, society, and nature.
In addition, it introduces students to fundamental claims of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition; enable students to understand that Tradition as characterized by open, rigorous intellectual inquiry in the context of a faith tradition; engage students and faculty in seminar discussion; and enable students to see the value of this Tradition in the contemporary world help develop students’ reading, writing, and speaking skills.
CIT 202 – Catholic Intellectual Traditions II

3 Credits
Spring Semester
CIT is Sacred Heart University’s academic signature core. It provide students with an interdisciplinary, foundational understanding of the Catholic intellectual tradition from the classical to the contemporary periods. Using seminar pedagogy, it gives students an understanding of the roots and development of the Catholic intellectual tradition as an ongoing, 2,000-year conversation between the Catholic community of thinkers, writers, artists and the cultures in which they have lived, asking fundamental questions about God, humanity, society, and nature.
In addition, it introduces students to fundamental claims of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition; enable students to understand that Tradition as characterized by open, rigorous intellectual inquiry in the context of a faith tradition; engage students and faculty in seminar discussion; and enable students to see the value of this Tradition in the contemporary world help develop students’ reading, writing, and speaking skills.

3 Credits
Summer 1 Short Term
Analisa Gagnon Ph.D.
Caroline Comerford Ph.D.
The public’s fascination with true crime highlights the importance of understanding the approaches to dealing with the victims and offenders depicted in true crime through the
fields of victimology and criminology.
This course offers a comparative overview of the true crime genre concerning the victims of violent crimes and the offenders who commit
them. Students will be expected to draw comparisons between Ireland and the US regarding true crime popularity and how depictions of it are handled in each country.

3 Credits
Summer 2 Short Term
Heather Jefferies MA
This course will examine the interactions between the legal field and psychological science. Topics will include: the role and function of how psychological research has contributed to the legal process, profiling, prediction of violence, police interrogation, false confessions, eyewitness testimony, insanity, and other topics. Students will use forensic psychology to analyze human behavior.
While in Ireland, students will be immersed in the culture and have an opportunity to see firsthand how the Irish justice system handles criminal cases and how forensic psychology can play a role in informing the legal practitioners, in comparison to the US.
ED 341/541 – Irish and American Education in Comparative Perspective

3 Credits
Summer 1 Short Term
This course, based in the Gaeltacht region of West Kerry, compares the education system in Ireland with that of the United States. Topics addressed include curriculum and instruction, funding and governance, teacher preparation, multiculturalism, language policy, and contemporary school reform. Student will be introduced to the students and teachers of Dingle, Ireland and experience the Irish education system up-close and personal. You will observe classrooms in action, learn from Irish teachers and administrators, and meet teacher candidates and their professors.
Open to all students in FCE teacher preparation programs, the course counts in lieu of Education in the United States, Multicultural Education, or an MAT elective. ED 402 for undergraduate credit or ED 502 for graduate credit.
ENG 281 – Writing Identity in Ireland

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Humanistic Inquiry
- Social and Global Awareness
Spring Semester
This workshop in creative writing is designed to encourage English majors’ and Irish Studies minors’ engagement with Irish literature through practice, the exercise of creative ideation, and to develop students’ deeper understanding and appreciation of historical and contemporary Irish literary texts through artistic expression.
Students will read and workshop their ideas about Irish and Irish-American-authored texts in class, which they will then build upon in weekly creative writings tasks. These projects will range from flash fiction to poetry, songwriting to scriptwriting and comic book-writing, which they will also share with each other in class and develop into a writing portfolio.
Unique to the Sacred Heart in Dingle campus, participants of this creative writing workshop will attend a number of readings by local/contemporary authors (who write both in English and Irish) and present their own work in two open mic nights alongside local practitioners. Students will develop an ongoing dialogue on Irish, Irish-American, and outsider identity, through the sharing of their writing and ideas. They will enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore and expand the Irish literary tradition from inside the Dingle literary arts scene.
ENG 299 – Ghosts, Changelings, and Mermaids: Tradition and the Body in Irish Writing

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Social & Global Awareness
Summer 2 Short Term
In this course we read Irish literature — poetry, fiction, plays, and essays — at the intersection of disability, illness, the body, gender, sexuality, class, contemporary and historical medical approaches, and folklore. Our classroom includes Dingle and the surrounding area, where we will encounter fairy forts, holy wells, haunted castles, literary festivals, and cosy pubs. Readings include W. B. Yeats’s Irish Fairy and Folk Tales, Angela Bourke’s The Burning of Bridget Cleary: A True Story, and Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill’s The Fifty Minute Mermaid. Guest speakers/trip leaders include folklorists, archeologists, and writers, and the course also includes a day-trip to the Listowel Writers Festival to hear authors discuss their work.
HI 260 - Irish Pubs, Pints, and Poitín

3 Credits
Winter Short Term
John B. Roney Ph.D.
Pubs are one of the most important Irish institutions in Ireland. Irish culture has centered around three institutions: church, local GAA sports club, and the pub. Until the 1970s Mass attendance was nearly 95%, and involvement in national sports has been a widely supported, and after each of the events that included church or GAA everyone visited the pub afterwards where discussions, stories, and great ‘craic’ (fun) was experienced. With smaller homes and lack of many modern conveniences, pubs offer social spaces for sharing community knowledge and friendship, conducting business, playing music, and discussing politics.
Well beyond alcohol, the atmosphere, warmth and friendliness are a well-known aspect of Ireland; the 20th century has exported pubs around the world. Ireland has also excelled at brewing excellent ales, beers, and the word whiskey comes from the Irish ‘uisce beatha’ or water of life. This course studies the history and culture of the Irish Public House.

3 Credits
Summer 2 Short Term
John B. Roney Ph.D.
This course examines significant places on the Dingle peninsula that exemplify cultural heritage. When travelling through Ireland, and certainly the Dingle peninsula, it is apparent that humans have inhabited the island for many thousands of years. Students will examine holy wells, burial and religious sites, and coastal places where locals ventured into the ocean for pilgrimage, trade, and fishing. It studies the material remains, the geography of landscape and seascape, legends, stories, poems, and music that determine modern Irish identity
MA 131 – Statistics for Decision Making

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Scientific Literary
- Natural/Physical Science foundational core
Fall Semester
This course is geared toward liberal arts, science, business, and health science majors.” It introduces descriptive statistics, probability distributions (both discrete and normal), confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and correlation. Real-world applications are offered throughout for a more practical understanding of statistics use.
MU 106 – Introduction to Irish Music

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Humanistic Inquiry
- Art/Design/Communications foundational core
Fall Semester
Winter Short Term
Spring Semester
This course provides students with a thorough overview of traditional Irish music, song and dance from their earliest references right up to today’s influence on the world music stage. Aural, as well as some basic traditional musicianship skills, will be developed over the course. Students will experience firsthand the Irish music scene locally.
Attendance at sessions and “céilís” will enable them to savor Traditional music in its natural social setting. The course will study the history and development of the tradition, while also ensuring the students gain a deeper understanding of this tradition by learning some practical skills.
PH 271 – Bioethics: Philosophical Approaches

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Social & Global Awareness
- Humanistic Inquiry
- Scientific Literacy
Winter Short Term
Summer 1 Short Term
Spend 2 weeks learning about ethical issues in health care by exploring compelling scenarios and case-studies. Study the role of ethics and the importance of Philosophy to the Irish Catholic Intellectual Tradition and investigate how health care concerns impact the lives of patients and health-care providers throughout southwestern Ireland.
Among the central topics to be covered include informed consent, medical futility, reproductive ethics, privacy, cultural competence, and clinical trials.
PS 295 – Health Psychology

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Social & Global Awareness
- Scientific Literary
Summer 2 Short Term
Focuses on the relationship between attitudes and personality factors and health. Emphasis is on stress management and behavioral change methods for health improvement and maintenance.

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Humanistic Inquiry
Summer 2 Short Term
Lisa Smith, Psy.D.
The creative and expressive arts offer individuals a way to explore personal experiences through various artistic forms (e.g., dance/movement, visual arts, writing, drama and music). This course will focus on studying these different creative modalities from an Irish perspective. While in Dingle, students will learn foundational knowledge about the history, theory, and practical applications of the creative arts. In addition, course excursions will be used to help students tap into their creativity by exploring museums, Irish towns, listening to Irish music, participating in an Irish dance class and interacting with local guest speakers. Upon returning to the United States, students will reflect on how their experiences in Ireland influenced their personal growth and creative expression.
PS 389 – Celtic Connections & Enriching the Brain

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
Summer 1 Short Term
Rachel Bowman Ph.D.
Dawn Melzer Ph.D.
Engaging with Irish preschoolers, visiting the aquarium and creating enrichment activities for the animals, participating in a Celtic Cub Scavenger Hunt, immersing yourself in meditation in an Irish forest during Shinrin-Yoku and being exposed to Irish music and language through guest speakers and excursions.
These are just some of the experiences you will have in this course which offers an applied approach to understanding neuroscience, the intersection between psychology and biology. Students will examine key concepts in neuroscience including neuroplasticity, language acquisition, learning, stress, and environmental enrichment in applied settings.
In addition, it introduces students to fundamental claims of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition; enable students to understand that Tradition as characterized by open, rigorous intellectual inquiry in the context of a faith tradition; engage students and faculty in seminar discussion; and enable students to see the value of this Tradition in the contemporary world help develop students’ reading, writing, and speaking skills.
TRS 199 – Pints, Pilgrimages, and Holy Spirits

3 Credits
Summer 2 Short Semester
Robert Koerpel PhD
This experiential and immersive course explores the fascinating and curious relationship between Irish monasticism, the monastic phenomenon of pilgrimage, and the history of Irish brewing and distillation of spirits (alcohol). It considers the origins and development of early medieval Irish monasticism, focusing primarily on the Irish monastic practice of pilgrimage, and the role Irish monastic pilgrimages play in development and history of Irish brewing and distillation of spirits. Students enrolled in this engaging course will listen to guest speakers, visit Ardfert Monastery and Muckross Abbey, tour Dingle Distillery and Dick Mack’s Brewery, and walk The Saint’s Way, in addition to normal course reading, discussion, and activities.
TRS 271 – Celtic Religious Traditions

3 Credits
liberal arts exploration
- Humanistic Inquiry
- Social and Global Awareness
- Theology/Religious Studies foundational core
Fall Semester
Winter Short Term
Spring Semester
Study the ancient religion of Ireland, of gods and goddesses, ancestors and rituals, holy places and sacred rulers. Learn about the Celtic origins of Halloween, and the great seasonal festivals of the druids. Walk through the landscape and discover traditions and customs from ancient times that are reflected in the modern world, through myth, place names and customs.